Our Patients:
23 Professional Sports Organizations
2 Olympic Athletes
4 Branches of the U.S. Military
4 Separate Continents
12 Countries
28 U.S. States
51% Men, 49% Women
Hundreds of Patients Treated, Thousands of Lives Improved

Our Biologics:
30+ billion hu-MSC Stem Cells Administered
1+ trillion Exosomes Used
Billions of Top Tier Cells Banked

Our Teaching Mission:
5 Best Selling Books Published
4 Reviewed and Accepted Papers into Medical & Scientific Journals
62 Separate hu-MSC Stem Cell Focused Educational Papers Distributed
8 Conferences Attended in 6 Countries
3 Keynote Presentations
Countless Interviews Given
Millions Reached and Educated
Our Result:
#1 Ranked in Patient Outcomes and Quality of Care